Monday, June 22, 2009

5 Cow Special

I had my first day at BIPAI and it started off a little rough. We all loaded on to the bus and began to get dropped off. The advisors dropped us off and came into to ensure we were received. Unfortunately, the current program coordinator didn't know that we were specifically coming and was a little thrown off. He was really nice though and kept saying it wasn't out fault but that it does cause some problems because they have certain protocol that they follow pretty strictly. He took Kate and I into a conference room to ask some questions about our education background, experience, goals for our time there, interests, etc. He was really nice and helpful and seems to feel confidently that we can find some way to get involved. The staff psychologist and social worker were both out of the office today. The SW came back later and we met with her briefly before we headed home and will meet tomorrow afternoon to do paperwork and other logistical tasks.

After meeting with Dr. Ryan we met Ed who is in charge of a lot of their work with teenagers invited us to work with him and to go to their Teen Club meeting this Saturday. They get together once a month with adolescents and play sports and offer educational information about HIV/AIDS and provide life skills training. This Saturday they will be doing football drills (remember, that's soccer in the States) and doing a crime prevention lesson. Kate and I are going to attend and Clare said she's interested in going too so I hope it's a good experience.

Stu took us down the play group area which is typically outside in a decently open space that also has tables so kids can play with blocks, legos, read books, color, etc. But when it's colder or raining they have the group in under the stairwell which is a pretty small space. It would be great if they could somehow get a covering for the outside area and an outdoor heater to keep it warmer. I spent most of my time helping a little guy build a lego house. He was so adorable. I taught him how to give me five and he would just get the biggest smile on his face every time I put out my hand. It was a little weird knowing that all the kids we were with had HIV or AIDS, not because of the disease itself but because they seemed so lively and smart. A couple of them knew very good English which seemed surprising since they appeared quite young and we were told that English isn't usually taught until they are 6 years old. They helped teach us some words also so it was a learning experience. I need to write down some common sentences so that I can refer to it and communicate better with them as Setswana is mostly the preferred language of the kids.

We went to the "Visiting Scholars" office with Stu (another intern from Michigan State) and we were able to get on the computer and read some more material about the organization. We also met a few other interns: Josh, Lisa, JW and a new employee B2. I was reading about these Hero Books that they have children create which seemed really interesting but also seemed like they would take a long time to complete. But I really like the concept of them and it reminded me of the Lifebook Shawna (another intern at OU's Counseling & Psychological Services) had told me a lot of Social Workers utilize with adopted children.

By the time we ate lunch, I was absolutely starving. I felt like I had a hearty breakfast and I'm still amazed that I get hungry for meals because of how much I eat during them but apparently I'm just burning right through the calories! Stu, JW & Josh took us out to the Main Mall area to get some food. I didn't catch the name of the place but it was traditional Botswana cuisine and really good. After that we headed back but it was pretty much time for us to leave. We lucked out because we are only about 5 minutes from our organization so we can walk to and from and avoid the long bus ride others have to take. Everyone was really friendly and seem like they do a lot of stuff together, they already invited us to hang out this weekend so we might go do something fun, it will just depend on everything else we have going on. The name of this post actually comes from lunchtime.. as we were walking to Main Mall, Stu was telling me how on a number of occasions mothers have offered him their young daughters because they want them to marry white men. A lot of families still use a dowry system which is why they would tell him you can have my daughter for 5 cows...this is a special price as the traditional village we went to said that 8-9 cows was standard, hence, 5 cow special.

We got back at like 3:30 in the afternoon and I decided to take a little nap. It was realively short lived as most of my naps here have been. I swear I can hear every little thing, and it probably doesn't help that I'm the room closets to the outside hall because I hear everyone coming in and out of their apts. After some other people got back we attempted to go to the bookstore but it was closed. Everything closes really early here. Then we headed to our first meeting to discuss how everyone's first day and first week has been. A couple people shared moments that really made them uncomfortable while they have been here. I'm grateful that they did share those stories even though it seemed difficult for them because it really helped put some things in perspective for me and will force me to keep remembering that being the minority carries certain implications unfortunately.

One of the downfalls of this place is that because it is a clinic there are a lot of regulations and we cannot take pictures or anything like that. It's was kind of a bummer to see other peoples pictures with the kid and how cute they look and to just see all the stuff they do and know that I can't really offer that for my friends and family. They do have awesome art work everywhere and the clinic tends to not to have very many clients after 3pm so I'm going to run around with my camera and get some snap shots of the things I like which I can post.

Well that's about it for today... I'm going to go over to the boys room and watch a movie and organize some things for tomorrow!

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