Tuesday, June 16, 2009

When In Africa...

Me at dinner...notice, we got "fresh chips" tonight...aka french fries :)

It sort of already feels like I've been here for 4 days but its really only the second full one. This is probably because I haven't been sleeping very well. I have absolutely no concept of time because I figured I could use my phone as my watch despite having it turned off but unfortunately because it doesn't get service it won't even show the time at all. I'm relying on Clare to make sure I'm up on time and to meals on time..and everything in between. I think I need to buy a watch because I might go crazy. I actually woke up in the middle of the night and Esela (i think that's how she spelled) was awake.. I asked her what time it was and she told me 1am, I didn't believe her...she even gave me a clock and I was so thrown off that I turned on my computer just to see if she was for real. It's not like I really thought she was lying but I really thought I had been asleep a lot longer. Like I said...zero concept of time.

Botswana does NOT have a McDonalds!! However, it does have KFC..which I think is slightly odd...especially because I actually like the chicken they've been serving even better than KFC's and everyone knows how much I love KFC original recipe lol Breakfast was interesting this morning..the porriage was well...let me put this way, it's consistency resembled hair gel but it really didn't taste like anything until you added some sugar. They also don't really serve coffee but they have these instant packets that I love. And they have tea time in the middle of the morning which I think I'm going to need to incorporate into my life back home. If only they believed in nap time also...

We learned A LOT of Setswana today. Unfortunately most of the vocab is escaping me at this time because I think my brain just shut off.

We're trying to figure out what we want to do this weekend. Thato and Karabo (our guides) offered to take us to different malls and out and our roommates also suggested that we go to Botswana's 1000K Desert Race with them so I guess we'll see. I'm excited to get out and see other stuff though...it's been interesting so far!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're doing ok. I laughed when you said you bought another pillow. I told Dad I bet you would!
    The meals look like the kind that could put meat on your bones. Can you pick up fresh fruit and veggies at the store? Do you have a fridge or some place you can keep them if you do? I know how much you love your fresh stuff.

    I've discovered some of the others blogs...very interesting reading all the different perspectives. *waves to everyone*
