Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dumela borra & bomma

All of us at dinner

I finally have my internet hooked up..after fighting with my web browser for an hour I miraculously fixed it! I really wanted it so that I can keep up on these blogs...there's no real point in having one of these things if you can never access/write in it.

So let's was...long. Seems to be the theme haha but I really don't want to miss anything so I'm trying to pack as much in as possible. We had another Setswana lesson and I was using it correctly at breakfast & lunch today! I've trying to make sure I greet everyone when I walk by (refer to the title of this post...which means hi gentlemen & ladies) and this one cleaning lady always says Dumela baby when I greet her lol She's cute! I think they like my shoes too. They are always pointing and talking about them when I walk by...or maybe I just have ugly feet?

I'm blown away at how nice everyone is here. I have yet to run into one rude or unkind person. Our guides have been really awesome too! This weekend Thato and her friends are taking me and the roommates out to one of the nicer malls so we can get some cute clothes. They tried to tell us that they are behind us in fashion but they dress super cute so I'm really excited to see their shops. We actually went shopping today.. I bought 3 pairs of shoes which is insane but I only brought three with me (dumb!) so that's what happens when I try to restrict my packing.. I just come back with even more. I don't think I even have any space left on my shoe rack...The amazing thing was that 3 pairs of flats, 1 hoodie, 1 cardigan, 1 tee, and a purse was only about 60 bucks. This is my kind of place to shop...

We also had 3 organizations come in and talk about what they do and what we could expect to do if we were placed there. The first was SOS which is a children's orphange. It seemed like it would be such a fun and interactive place to work but is likely where a number of people want to go so I'm kind of already ruling it out just because it doesn't have an emphasis on counseling like some of the other orgs. The second one was SAPPSSI which is the Salvation Army's organization paired up with some churches and schools. It seemed like it would give people the opportunity to work in a variety of settings and again was mainly focused on children. I liked that they had a peer mentoring aspect to seems like it's important for them to really empower the young people in Botswana which I think is really cool especially since one of our informed lectures today was talking about how so many young people get there information from their peers. What better way to provide them with the facts than through training the people they listen to? The third organization was Lifeline Botswana which is an international organization that's main focus is providing free counseling for people as well as a training and other servies that may require a fee. They work in conjunction with a women's shelter and hospice and serve all ages so again it would be an opportunity to work in a multiple settings with various groups of people. Right now that's where I'm leaning but we still have a number of groups to hear from and YOHO didn't show up today was definitely a place I had thought about so we'll see. We don't have to decide until Friday anyway.

-This is for Eric..Blue Sambuca!!

Side Note: The stray cats have vicious meows. Almost peed my pants when one started going nuts in our hall just a second ago. hope one doesn't bite me or I'll probably seriously regret forgoing the rabies vaccine....

Ke a otsela (I'm sleepy)
Boroko! (Goodnight)

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