Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cow Stomach = Yuck! Fete de la Musique = Tres Bien!

These early mornings are straight killing me!!! You would think that I would be use to them because of my internship but unfortunately there was one week in between the ending of that and this trip and I got somewhat use to sleeping in... well at least until 9-9:30. We were out quite late last night though I slept like a log so that was good. Unfortunately I'm an idiot and left my ipod alarm set from the day before so I had the lovely Taylor Swift singing to me at 6:45am. I just went back to sleep for about a half hour, but it wasn't good sleep. So basically I'm running on 4.5 hours of sleep. Good call. I believe it was worth it...

We had our last class meeting. We played this game where you take 7 different beads and they represent important people in your life: mom, dad, brother, sister, best friend, etc and then you go to stations and roll a die. Depending on the number it lands on there are
instructions on the card telling you what to do. There were 6 stations and my life went like this 1) Life goes on as normal 2)
My mom is infected with HIV 3) My mom dies from AIDS 4) My grandma dies of malaria 5) My sister gets raped and contracts HIV 6) Life goes on as normal. Some life huh? Thank God these were just beads! But I got the point, it was to show us how easily something like this can affect a family and how it affects everyone, not just the person who contracts the disease. It was interesting to see what happened to other people because I didn't really read through the other possibilities. It also helped put into perspective the kinds of things I could run into while I'm here. We also received our placements and dun dun DUN.. I'm at Baylor Pediatic Clinic!! It was my first choice so I'm really happy. Kate, one of the counseling doc students, will be there with me which I think is awesome because she has actually worked in the field with families so I feel like I can learn a lot from her. I'm anxious to get acquianted and see what they do instead of just hearing about it.

After class we went to lunch there was new entree on board today. One of the girls informed us it was cow's stomach but I made a committment to try everything here (minus anything with tomatoes lol) so I had her put a little on my plate. Huge mistake. I wish I had taken a picture of it just so you could see how gross it looked to begin with. It was smooth on one side and reminded me of what an artery would look like, sliced in half. Then on the other side was this sp
ongy, broccoli looking stuff. Clare, Mandy & I cut off pieces and tried it. At first were like oh this isn't so bad..I mean it doesn't taste amazing but it really just didn't taste like much of anything. That is until you swallow it. It literally tasted the way poop smells. It was awful. NEVER NEVER NEVER AGAIN. I just gagged typing all this.

We spent the afternoon/evening at the French Music Festival or Fete de la Musique! We all thought it was going to be French music (which we also all thought was weird) but it was actually a wide range of different genres from hip hop to jazz to classical and afro-pop. I enjoyed everything except the heavy metal which actually had really good music and just horribly singing. I hate that stuff where people yell in the microphone and try to sound scary, it hurts my ears. But besides that it was really good. I'll try to add a video of it later but right now it's not loading.It was amazing all the sounds they could make just using their feet, hands, mouth and a whistle! I was quite impressed and it seemed like most everyone else was too. We decided to
just get
dinner at the festival instead of coming back to the cafeteria. I got all of that for 12 Pula or 2 dollars! haha On the other side of the stage there was a store that had all kinds of really cool African souveniers. They had all kinds of stuff from flags to scrapbooks to statues, walking sticks, and awesome pottery. I got myself this little wood container. I figure I'll find something

to put in it! The carvings are elephants! I think it's pretty neat looking though. I also got my nieces gifts for their birthdays and my mom something but of couse I won't disclose that here or she'll know! We heard that Main Mall has a lot of similar stuff and for even cheaper than this place. I got all my stuff for less than $80.00. I can't wait to get more stuff to take back! I honesly want one of the dish sets but I have no idea how I'd get it back with me without breaking it so I probably won't get one. Well now I'm pretty well all caught and of coure I didn't get to bed early like I wanted to. This is becoming problematic. Oh well, it was worth it to get to talk to Andrew for awhile. I miss him...


  1. Not even a hint huh?? Be that way!

    If you want some type of a souvenir that is breakable couldn't you arrange to have it shipped home? Look into it. What kind of dish set is it? Love your wooden container. You can always keep change or jewelry in it.

    And stay away from the cow stuff...G R O S S!

  2. I could probably get it shipped but i dunno if I trust it to all get home together..I've heard bad stories about people shipping things back home since they check EVERY package. I'm sure they will wrap it all so I could maybe just take it in my carry on...but then being in Cape town will be a problem as we're gonna be dragging all our stuff about...I'll see how much it would cost and just hope it all made it there- it was only 65 or so dollars...isn't that ridiculous?!
