Friday, June 19, 2009

Now that we can blow dry our hair, we can't wash it..

So Clare's bag came today. Just as a I suspected, right after she replace all the things she thought she lost! Oh well...but hey at least we can blow dry our hair now...yeah that's what we thought until I came home and discovered that we had no water pressure. I know they told us to expect this from time to time but I dunno I guess I didn't expect it during our first week. I'm just going to hope that it's working in the morning...otherwise I'm gonna look a little gross.

So I took my computer with me to give me opportunities to write throughout the day and I'm just going to post everything I wrote before and then maybe add some more about the day.

I've drank too much coffee the last few & point:
Coffee Talley: 11
Nescafe is the best thing ever invented. I’m glad it’s available everywhere unlike Starbucks.
I was up wayyy too late last night trying to get my last blog to post so I decided to bring my computer so that I could type throughout the day and not have to worry about doing it all in the evening.

In our Setswana lesson we learned their equivalent of heads, shoulders, knees & toes. It’s pretty funny watching a bunch of college kids sing and dance. I actually like this song because I actually learned the words pretty well.

I sorta feel bad because it seems like they are changing the cuisine to make it a little more American for us. While some of the food is definitely different than what I’m use to and I’ll probably not eat it when I go back but it is part of the experience. For instance, during tea time they keep giving us these really good muffins and they are an American recipe. At least they are made in South Africa, right? I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining though because these muffins are awesome. Tea time is my favorite time…even though I always drink coffee, I still love it.

I swear this food just sits in my stomach. We just finished lunch and I didn’t really feel that full initially but now I think I may explode. I guess this is my cue to cut back on my portions a little.
We just had several more organizations come talk to us about what they do and what we could expect to do if we worked with them. I narrowed my choices down to 1) Baylor Pediatric Clinic 2) Lifeline 3) BCC. Each have an emphasis on the counseling component so that made them the most appealing. BCC didn't actually come talk to us but from the description of our instructor it sounds like they do a lot of different things. I really feel like no matter where I get placed it's going to be an awesome experience. I'm just excited to find out where I will be!

Tonight we had a welcome dinner. The food was AMAZING! There was this shredded beef that I would have stolen if I could have. I hope they make that in the cafeteria sometime lol Afterward we decided to go back to our place and change and then just hang out at the guys room. I was going to shower and that's when I discovered..NO WATER. ughh, my hair is really gross. I hope it's working in the morning or I'll be doing a little cold water rinsing before the cultural village which I am extremely excited for! So then we still went to hang with the guys and played catch phrase. It was really fun! I love that game. A bunch of other people came up too so that made it even better. Titus and Karabo had never played before so it was fun to teach them...they actually did pretty well after the first couple tries :)

Ok I really need to stop staying up so late. Perhaps that's why I need 4 cups of coffee to function each day....BOROKO!

1 comment:

  1. Wha???? No pictures? I want pictures! I neeeeeeeeeeed pictures! You are the picture queen! Don't let me down now!!!

    Anyway...did you get your nasty head washed? ;) That would suck all of a sudden having no water pressure and not really knowing when you'd get it back! Hopefully it's only temporary.

    YAY! for Clare getting her bag back! Boo! that it was after she replaced her stuff! Why does it always happen that way?

    Lay off the coffee and the muffins sweet cheeks! I don't want to have to roll some hyperactive, chubby chick outta the airport in July ;)

    Love you!
