Sunday, June 21, 2009

Welcome to the Sunday Sermon

We woke up bright and early today and headed to Mmshumi's church. It kind of looked like an old strip mall that they had taken over and turned various building into different departmens like an office and then they had the actual chapel. When we first got there we stood outside for awhile, at first I was wondering if there was a problem with us coming but it turns out they pulled out all the stops for us. We were sitting in the main building 3 and 4 rows back from the stage, behind some of the elder preachers. We passed people sitting outside, and just a reminder it's winter in Botswana, under tents for the 2 1/2 hour service. I kind of felt bad being inside when so many people were outside because it is definitely colder in the morning. But they seriously wear sweaters and coats all day and it will be in the mid 70s! It's funny becuase they are like "It's winter, it's coooold!" and we're like "This weather is great!" We were all starving when we left church because I don't think anyone thought it was going to last until 10:30 and none of us had time to eat breakfast which we have become accustomed too. They served our breakfast at 11:00ish but a couple of us had to wait almost a half hour for food which wasn't a big deal except they said lunch would be at 12:30 and there was no way we were going to be hungry. Breakfast was good so I really wasn't hungry until dinner anyway and because we didn't eat lunch we missed out on live....oh darn! lol

Thato and Pearl came and took Me, Kate, Clare & Mandy to Game City for a girls day! I got a couple things.. a cute dressy top that's gold, a white long blouse, a pair of gladiator heels, and a necklace all for like 70 dollars. I can't get over how cheap things are. I'll spend hundreds of pula
but it only amounts to 30 dollars or something. Crazy. It's good to know that my shoe shopping problem translates across cultures but I love what I bought so far! I think Kate, my former college roommate for those of you who don't know, would be very proud of my collection! She's is the queen of shoes and it's definitely rubbed off on me!

Tonight after we napped and went to dinner we decided to go to the courts. Some people were playing basketball and soccer but some of the other girls decided to do our own exercises. We did a mini pilates work out and lunges, squats and ran. It felt good to do some physical activity because besides walking I dunno that I have done much. I think we're going to start making it a daily thing just because most of us feel better and have more energy when we work out in some capacity. Apparently there is a gym we have access to so that would be nice to figure out.

Tomorrow we start our placements. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm anxious to see what they will have us do. Here is the link for the their website if you want to check it out: and of course I'll let everyone know tomorrow how the first day was! I hope I can sleep tonight because I'm so excited!!!

I called my parents today. I finally figured out my skype account so I put money on it so I could wish my dad a happy father's day. The phone cut out a bit so I didn't exactly get to say goodbye but it was nice nonetheless. I let Mandy use it to because she doesn't have a computer and we still don't have phones here. It seemed like her parents enjoyed hearing from her. That's one thing I've really enjoyed about this trip, everyone has been sharing with everyone. Anytime anyone needs anything there's someone offering to help out, which isn't how things always are. I also called Andrew to say goodnight. We've mainly been using facebook chat and messages so it was nice to hear his voice. Well of course it's midnight already (where does the time go?) Broko.

1 comment:

  1. Your Dad was very happy to hear from certainly made his day. It was his fault the second time we got cut off, he was messing with that darn ear piece again! It was nice to hear your voice, 9000 miles away.

    Everyone is enjoying reading your blog...maybe they'll figure out how to comment so they can say hi.

    Scott and family made it home safely from their vacation. He said to tell you hi.

    Nice shoe collection...and do I recognize Clare's dress? ;)

    Have a good day tomorrow and I look forward to hearing about it! I'm going to go check out their website now.

    Bye...Love you!
